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Parashat ha-Shavua

Parashat Nitsavim “You are standing…”

Parashat Nitsavim            “You are standing…”

Deuteronomy 29:9-30:20; Isaiah 61:10-63:9;  Acts 19-20

“...for you know that we dwelt in the land of Egypt and that we came through the nations which you passed by, and you saw their abominations and their idols which were among them—wood and stone and silver and gold” (Deut. 29:16-17)

Parashat Ki Tavo — “When you enter in”



Deut. 26:1-29:9 (29:8 in TaNaCH); Isaiah 60:1-22; Rev. 21:10-27

This portion is the sixth of seven consolations for Israel after the destruction of the temples.

Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn (Isaiah 60:3).

Parashat Shoftim - "Judges"

Parashat Shoftim   -   "Judges"

Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9; Isaiah 51:12-52:12; Titus 3:1-7

Otherwise they will teach you to follow all the detestable things they do in worshiping their gods, and you will sin against the Lord your God (Devarim / Deuteronomy 20:18).

Parashat Re'eh - "see"

Parashat Re'eh   -   "see"

Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17; Isaiah 54:11-55:5; John 7: 37-52

The first words of this week’s portion are “Behold I give before you this day Bracha (blessing).” With Rosh Hashana (the Jewish New Year) just around the corner, may Hashem grant you and your entire family a wonderful, healthy, happy, prosperous and sweet new year and may we merit seeing the redemption this year!

Parashat Ekev — “As a result”

Parashat Ekev — “As a result” 

Parashat Eikev   -   'as a result of...'

Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25; Isaiah 49:14-51:3; Hebrews 11:8-13

This is the second of seven portions consoling Israel after the destruction of the Temple on Tish B’Av.

Parashat V’etchanan - "And I besought"

Parashat V’etchanan      -     "And I besought"

Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11; Isaiah 40:1-26; Luke 22:13-38

There are two primary reasons which would motivate us to serve God: fear and love. Love is higher than fear. The ancient Rabbis (of the Sifrei) discerned two primary ways of demonstrating our love for God. The first is to study Torah, the revelation of God, the second is to bring others to love Him.

Parashat Devarim - “Words”

Parashat Devarim    -    Words”

Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22; Isaiah 1:1-27; Acts 9:1-22

This portion is the third of three rebukes prior to Tish B’Av—the destruction of the temples.

Parashat Massei - "Journeys"

29 July 2011                                                                                                 

Parashat Matot - Shabbat 23 July 21 Tammuz

22 July 2011                                                                                             &nbsp

Parashat Pinchas

Parashat Pinchas — “Phinehas

Numbers 25:10-29:40; 1 Kings 18:46-19:21; John 2:13-25


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