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Parashat ha-Shavua

Haftarah for Chukat - Judges 11:1–33

Haftarah for Chukat - Judges 11:1–33   By Dr. Vered Hillel, Netanya, Israel


Numbers 19:1-22:1; Judges 11:1-33; John 19:38-42

The Purity Paradox

Parashat Korach

Parashat Korach
Numbers 16:1-18:32; 1 Samuel 11:14-12:22; Acts 7:44-53

Moses and the Children of Israel kept Aaron’s staff in the ark as a testimony of God’s choice of the house of Aaron. According to Jewish legend, though, “The same staff was held in the hand of every king until the Temple was destroyed, and then it was hidden away. That same staff also is destined to be held in the hand of King Messiah.” (Numbers Rabbah 18:23)

Parashat Sh’lach

Saturday 9 June 2018                                                                                              &nbsp

Parashat Beha’alotch

Saturday 2 June 2018                                                     19 Sivan  5778

Parashat Nasso

Parashat Nasso
Numbers 4:21-7:89; Judges 13:2-25; Luke 1:11-20

It's never easy to apologize, but the Torah requires us to confess our sins and then make restitution when we have wronged another.
Confession, Repentance, Restitution

Parashat Bamidbar

Parashat Bamidbar
Numbers 1:1-4:20; Hosea 2:1-22; Romans 9:22-33

The World Was Created for Me

Parashat Behar/Bechukotai

Saturday 12 May 2018                                                                                              &nbsp

Parashiyot Acharei Mot/Kedoshim

Saturday 28 April 2018                           Day 28 of Omer                                       13 Iyyar  5778

Parashiyot Acharei Mot/Kedoshim


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