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Parashiyot Matot/Masei

Saturday 6 August 2016                Av  2  5776

Parashiyot Matot/Masei
Matot: Numbers 30:2–32:42; Jeremiah 1:1–2:3; John 18-19
Massei: Numbers 33:1–36:13;Jeremiah 2:4–28; 3:4; 4:1–2; John 20–21

We have a double portion this Shabbat – Parashiyot Matot and Massei and they conclude this 4th book of Torah - the book of Bamidbar – Numbers. Next Shabbat, we will commence studying the final book of Torah called Devarim - Deuteronomy!  It is the custom when we conclude each of the five books of Torah to stand together and chant Chazak, chazak v’ nitzchazeik – be strong, be strong and may we be strengthened. We believe thast G-d’s Word strengthens us and therefore, at the conclusion of each book, we acknowledge that this is so!


Matot includes the laws of making and annulling vows, the surprise attack on Midian in retribution for the devastation the Midianites wreaked upon the Jewish people, the purification after the war of people and vessels, dedicating a portion of the spoils to the communal good (perhaps the first Federation campaign), the request of the tribes of Reuben and Gad for their portion of land to be east of the Jordan river (yes, Trans-Jordan/Jordan is also part of the Biblical land of Israel). Moshe objects to the request because he thinks the tribes will not take part in the conquering of the land of Israel; the tribes clarify that they will be the advance troops in the attack and thus receive permission.

Masei includes the complete list of journeys in the desert (the name of each stop hints at a deeper meaning, a lesson learned there). God commands to drive out the land's inhabitants. Now, some have suggested that the pagan tribes which were already in the Land had a claim to the Land before Israel. This is a false assumption.

In Deuteronomy 4, G-d says that He abhors any form of idolatry and will not tolerate it in His Land. This warning applied to Israel as well as the pagan tribes that were already in the Land. In this context, HaShem used the Israelites as hammer of His judgment upon the pagan tribes and their practices:

Num 33:51-53
51  "Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: 'When you have crossed the Jordan into the land of Canaan,
52 then you shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you, destroy all their engraved stones, destroy all their molded images, and demolish all their high places;
53 you shall dispossess the inhabitants of the land and dwell in it, for I have given you the land to possess .

Therefore, we can understand that when Israel crossed over into the Land and dispossessed these heathen tribes, she acted as the means of G-d’s judgment upon those tribes. However, Israel was also subject to that same judgment and we know that she was exiled from the Land on two occasions because of their sin and unbelief.

God then established the borders of the Land of Israel. New leadership was appointed, cities of the Levites and Cities of Refuge (where an accidental murderer may seek asylum) were designated. Lastly, the laws are set forth regarding accidental and wilful murder as well as inheritance laws only for that generation regarding property of a couple where each came from a different tribe.