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Our vision for the congregation is multi faceted;

to be a healthy and honest assembly of like-minded people – both Jew and non-Jew - who desire to worship Adon HaOlam (the Master of the Universe), serve His people, and be light and salt to a darkened world
to be a place of refuge and safety for all followers of Yeshua
to be the dwelling place where Yeshua by His Ru’ach (Holy Spirit) is welcomed, so that G-d’s people can experience the healing that comes only from above!
to fulfil our social responsibilities to the less fortunate in our midst, in our society and to those in the Land of Israel
to be a meaningful and effective candlestick of witness to the Jewish people in our locality
to prayerfully and materially identify with and support Am Yisrael
to be a meaningful witness to the church and to remind them of the Hebraic origins of their faith

At Beit Ariel, we pay equal attention to the various aspects of our calling and vision. Relationships within the community are crucial and our desire is that these relationships should be meaningful, provocative and a delight.

We embrace that who are wounded and in need of a place of shelter and refuge, as well as healing and deliverance. We embrace these in the attitude of “there but by the grace of G-d go I”! We minister to those who are hurting with compassion, understanding and identification.

We long to be a community of faith where the gifts of the Spirit function in order and under due authority. We long to see the fruits of healing evidenced in changed lives! We understand the mitzvah (instruction) to ‘grow in the grace and the knowledge of the L-rd’ (2 Peter 3:18) and believe that the congregation ought to be a safe place where this is practiced and experienced.

We believe that we have a specific calling to be a witness within the local Jewish community in the understanding that it is our lives rather than the words we speak that bears “the fragrance of the knowledge of Him (Messiah) in every place” (2 Cor 2:14)! We believe that it is only by the enabling and the empowering of the indwelling Ru’ach HaKodesh that we can accomplish this aspect of our calling to the glory of G-d and to the extension of His Kingdom.