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Hariri Assassination

Hariri Assassination

The Hague special tribunal on Lebanon has issued indictments for four Hezbollah members who are wanted for the assassination of former Lebanese PM Rafik El Hariri in 2005. Hariri was killed by a car bomb. By this indictment the Hague tribunal resisted Hezbollah's attempts to escape justice. In response to the charges the Interpol has issued warrants for the arrest of the four. Hezbollah recently took over the Lebanese government, overthrowing Hariri's son, Sayid, who fled to Europe for fear of being assassinated like his father. Historically Lebanon had a Christian majority. As a consequence of the Muslim-Christian civil war in the 1980's, much of the Christian population evacuated the country. This is the first time that Lebanon has been ruled by a Muslim government in modern history. Independence for Southern Sudan