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The Festivals of the 7th Month - The High Holy Days

The Festivals of the 7th Month of Tishrei    -     The High Holy Days

The Jewish New Year and High Holy Days are soon approaching.  At Beit Ariel Congregation, these ancient festivals commemorate the wonderful acts of the God of Israel from our unique perspective as followers of Yeshua the Messiah.  During these Holy Days we commemorate the great themes of redemption and atonement in their highest meanings, as are seen through the teachings and works of Our Messiah.

We hope you can join us.  The Holidays tell a complete story beginning on Rosh Hashanah and concluding on Sukkot.  We invite you to experience the full spiritual effect of the season with the Beit Ariel family!

If you would like to know more, please do not hesitate to contact me on or 082 3399944.

Our Services:

Erev Rosh HaShana              Wed 28 September          Bring ‘n share sup        (see below for details)                 

2nd day Rosh Hashana         Friday  30 Sept                 Shabbat T’shuvah                                                                                                 

Yomim Noraim  -  10 Days of Awe  -  29 Sept – 6 Oct

Erev Yom Kippur                 Friday 7 October               Kol Nidre Service

Yom Kippur  am                 Sat       8 October              Service & prayer          (see below for details)

Erev Sukkoth                      Wed 12 Oct                       Sukkoth.

Come early (17h30) on Wed 12 October and help us decorate the Sukkah before the celebration. We will share a bring ‘n share supper afterward in the Sukkah.

Simchat Torah                   Friday 21 October             Bring ‘n share sup


1) all evening services commence at 18h15

2) Yom Kippur morning service at 09h30

3) all meals are ‘milchik’ meat please. Bring platters of sandwiches, fish  cakes, fried fish pieces, veg  quiches, salad sticks with dips, veg pies etc etc. Also please bring dessert (milk tarts, fruit pieces) etc. Also  juice.

4) The morning service on Yom Kippur (Sat 8 October) will include a Torah service followed by a prayer meeting where we will follow the pattern of the sacrifices offered up on The Day of Atonement. We will break into small groups of 2 or 3 and practice Ya’akov (James) chaper 5 where we confess our sins one to another. We then stand together and pray positively for the Body of Believers; and only then, will we intercede for Israel and the salvation of the Jewish people.