Our Services

The Hebrew Scriptures reveal several components to the worship of G-d: singing, clapping of hands, dancing, lifting up of hands before G-d (Exodus 15:20, Psalm 149:3, 150:4). Worship is both a reverential and joyful experience! The key to worship is revealed in the Jewish concept of “kavannah” – one’s heart attitude toward G-d, for we are commanded to worship Him with our whole heart (Ps 119:10)!

Following the traditions of our people, we our primary service is on erev Shabbat (Friday evening) and we also meet on Shabbat morning (Saturday) for our Torah service and sh’iur (interactive discussion of the Parasha [weekly Torah portion], the haftarah [the corresponding prophetic portion] and the B’rit Hadasha [the New covenant scriptures associated with the Torah portion].

The Spirit of G-d

We believe the “spiritual gifts” taught in the New Covenant (1 Cor.12,14) are still in operation today. We encourage our congregants to draw close to G-d by practicing the use of these gifts as taught in the Scriptures. We believe that the gifts are a potent avenue for blessing, when practiced “decently and in order” as the scriptures instruct (1 Cor.14:40).

At Beit Ariel, we do not hold to a top heavy leadership pyramidal structure. Rather, our desire is to see the many gifts that the Father has given to the body released and exercised in a responsible and godly manner. We believe that it is the responsibility of every believer to realize his or her calling and potential, and then to return to the Body that which they have received from the L-rd (1 Cor 11:23).

In His grace and mercy, the Father has given many gifts for the benefit of the entire body (1 Cor 12:7) ‘as He so wills’ (1 Cor 12:11). At Beit Ariel, we long to see the body begin to function responsibly and effectively.