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Top Israel videos

Top Israel videos, run by 12Tribe Films, is developing the next generation of Israel activists using online video and social networking.

Click here to watch: Getting the Facts Straight on Palestine




More truth serem for people to internalize: Jordan is the real Palestinian State and the Hashemite tribe (a tiny minority ruling a majority of Palestinian Arabs) are true occupiers - brought from Saudi Arabia to rule Jordan by the British as a thank you for their alliance in World War I. Read this very inlightening facebook post from a Palestinian Arab in Jordan Mudar Zahran ( "My aunt live in Judea and Samaria, at 72, she is losing her sight, she will be admitted to an Israeli hospital for treatment, all paid for by the evil Jews, let them pay those Jewish bastards, at least in compensation for their apartheid policies, meanwhile we will respect the King of Jordan for banning 1000 Palestinian refugees from Syria from receiving any sort of aid, even that provided by the UN....long live Arab humanity, down with evil Jews!"




Click here to watch: Daylight: The Story of Obama and Israel

This is a must see and must share video on the facts behind the way President Obama has been towards Israel since he has been President. No video highlights this issue as well as this one does.